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Go Now in Peace

September 24th, 2021

There is something special about starting the day with enthusiastic Lower School students and brightly colored pinwheels. The young Knights recently celebrated International Day of Peace with the Pinwheels for Peace tradition. PreK-4 through fifth grade students “planted” pinwheels in the carpool circle, and a group of students played music as everyone sang.

“Being kind to each other.”

“Helping the environment to stay clean.”

“Be kind to each other and help someone if they fall.”

When asked what it means to be peaceful, the examples above are what Lower School students offered. In addition, special guest Chaplain Charlie reminded students that “peace is about how you treat other people” and that peace comes from a “sense of love.” There was a sense of excitement among the students as the pinwheels were displayed. As the spinners moved in the breeze, it was a great reminder to go out into the world and share peace. 

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Posted in the categories All, Lower School, Spirituality And Service.