India Lathan '22

I am interested in Theatre. I read books that include lots of detail about setting and character descriptions to help me understand different people and I can use those details in my roles.

How long have you attended Episcopal?

I have attended Episcopal since my sophomore year. My previous school closed down, and the transition to Episcopal was easy because everyone is so welcoming.

What is your favorite activity?

Theater. I have had three roles at Episcopal. I played a teenage con artist in “Up” and Claire in “Rumors.” I’ll play Cosette in “Les Miserables” this spring. It’s my first musical experience, and I am excited about it.

What do you enjoy most about Episcopal?

I enjoy the community. I always have someone to talk to whether it’s teachers or friends.

What is your favorite academic subject?

English. I just like writing, especially poetry. I even have a poetry blog. India’s British Literature.

What class assignment is most memorable?

In acting, we do the bones of a character. This is how we learn more about our character, and it helps us develop the character. It’s more realistic and relatable. I do it for all of my characters.

What extracurricular activities are you in?

Dance. I started last year. After taking a dance class, I joined the dance ensemble.

Advice for classmates.

Don’t judge a book by its cover. You can do athletics and arts at the same time. The teachers and coaches are supportive of you. There’s no limit to what you can do here.